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Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change

Hey there!
We are Klimaneustart Berlin (Climate restart Berlin). We work towards a deeper integration of Berlin‘s climate movement, politics and citizens. We inform, push the subject on the agenda and motivate others. We believe that anything’s still possible.

Where does climate policy stand in Berlin?
In December 2019, Climate Emergency was declared for Berlin – the government accepts the urgency of the climate crisis! But which action is taken to comply? Berlin is aiming for climate neutrality in 2045. Leading climate scientists agree: that’s clearly too late to reach the 1.5° target of the Paris agreement! Even the implementation of existing laws and measures is not progressing.

What we do:
Berlin Citizens‘ Assembly on Climate Change was initiated by our popular initiative.

What is a citizens´assembly?
100 people are randomly selected. Participation is voluntary. A representative group of people from our diverse city meets – a small Berlin. Experts from politics, administration, science and civil associations provide balanced advice to the participants from different perspectives. There will be sufficient room for exchange & discussion to develop recommendations for action to be taken by politicians. Everyone has their say and is heard! All drawn citizens of Berlin get the chance to participate by providing expense allowances, childcare, etc. – regardless of income and personal circumstances.

What is the selection procedure?
In the so-called “stratified random sample” all registered citizens of Berlin can be drawn by lot. Several thousand people are randomly invited to answer questions about age, gender, place of residence, educational background or migration background via the municipal civil registry. A draw will be held again for all those who have responded. This is how the 100 members of the Citizens’ assembly come together. The procedure has multiple controls, so that manipulation is almost impossible.

But we have elected politicians?
The climate crisis is the most wide-ranging challenge that humanity has ever faced. Elections often reward short-term successes, but climate protection is a tremendous, longterm task. In Berlin we can only tackle the climate crisis together. A representative Assembly of citizens should complement parliamentary democracy in a meaningful way. Such an assembly can submit proposals for action to the responsible politicians with broad popular support.

You still have questions?
Cool, we’re looking forward to answering them! Drop us a message at

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We're saving 78 million tonnes of CO2.